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See what the Alveus community has been up to as they share their conservation and wildlife-related activities.

Been up to something yourself? Share your own activities via the submission page.

1,275 members of the Alveus community have shared their activities with 1,860 posts.

As a community, we're tracking the hours we spend giving back to the planet, originally as part of WWF's Give an Hour initiative.

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24 hours target

Biopark (Valencia, Spain) - (EAZA and AIZA!)

by Sandra (sasandra24)October 4, 2024Gave 4 Hours for Earth

In July, I went with my family to Valencia for holiday and we spend a lot of time in different parks! Biopark was my fav tho they are so good with their breeding programs and how beautiful the enclosures are!

Work experience

by AimeeOctober 4, 2024Gave 6 Hours for Earth

I started work experience at a butterfly house this week. They have insects, reptiles, amphibians and loads of other cute animals. They have red squirrels which can only be found on this island in Wales.

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Beach Walk and Forest Walk

by Amy (londonbrolly)October 4, 2024Gave 2 Hours for Earth

Photos from two walks I took this week along with trash hauls. I think cats make even better walking partners than dogs because they don’t bark at the wildlife and scare it away.

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I found a bug!

by Marcus MOctober 3, 2024

I was out hiking to a climbing spot and took a break for a little while. Then this little flying bug showed up and i don't know how to identify it.

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Little friend keeping me company

by Chae October 3, 2024Gave 4 Hours for Earth

Hi Maya! Hi Chat! While I was gardening earlier, this little friend was hovering over my head in the trees so I thought I needed to capture him. Here are the unedited results!

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Toowoomba flower festival + bug friends

by GabbyOctober 3, 2024Gave 1 Hour for Earth

Ended up out in Toowoomba (Queensland, Australia) for a friends wedding and took the opportunity to check out the annual flower festival! this is the 75th annual festival and i found some lil critter friends doing their jobs very well.

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Garden Visitors

by Ms_ReapthyOctober 2, 2024Gave 1 Hour for Earth

A few of the cuties that stopped by to visit my garden this week.

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Better food purchases and trash cleanup

by smiley0dayOctober 2, 2024Gave 3 Hours for Earth

I cook for the house twice a week, and you convinced me to go meatless when I cook. Its a start. Does anyone have recommendations for a cookbook? I bought humane eggs and coffee beans with good labels. Last week I helped pick up trash with International Bird Rescue too!


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